Well tomorrow is Easter and the culmination of Semana Santa (Holy Week) I think, it might actually end on monday. Anywho, Pascua (Easter) is another huge holiday for the Spanish. They spend the whole week parading around neighborhoods in the same attire as the KKK. I believe I read somewhere that the wear that attire so that thier identity is known only to God, or something along those lines. They have been doing this for probably hundreds of years so the KKK had to take it from them. I have been trying all week to get a good picture of them but I was only able to take some at night and they did not come out well. At midnight, this place went crazy. There were two fireworks shows on the main street by our apartment and people were throwing plates onto the sidewalks and into the streets. I don't know the significance of this but I do know that there are going to be a lot of cars tomorrow with flat tires because people just drove through the shattered plates in the street as if they weren't there. It was crazy, Spaniards get wild at every chance they get, even Easter. Adios and Happy Easter... go to church