This past weekend I went to Madrid with Sara, one of my best friends from high school. We had to take the 6 hour train because all the early trains were already full. This actually worked out because it gave us plenty of time to sleep and we still got there at 2 in the afternoon. Once we finally made it out of the subway and to our hostel, we saw somebody that went to high school with us, but he was in the grade below us. We didn’t stay at that hostel because they overbooked and we made our way to the new hostel they booked us at. Once situated, we explored one-half of Madrid until around 10 pm when we went to a bar and watched the U.S.-Italy soccer game. There were actually Spaniards cheering for the U.S., I though I would never see anything like that. After that, we walked around some more and then went to the hostel to get some rest for Sunday. We hit a couple of the same spots again before heading to the other half of Madrid. In all we visited cathedrals/churches, museums, parks, a lot of Burger Kings, more parks, a huge palace and a few more parks. It was a lot of fun and the pics are up on webshots: ¡Hasta Pronto!