Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Sunday, June 25, 2006

Friday was la fiesta de San Juan because it was the first day of summer. People began arriving at the beach during the day to set up camp to spend the night there. There were people and bonfires covering the entire beach along the entire coast. I have never seen so many people in one place at the same time in my life. It was literally atleast half the population of Valencia on the beach. The estimate on how many people that were there is 300,000. Twice as many as the year before. At midnight everybody ran into the sea then came out and dried off by the fires. I can't think of anything else to help describe the event, so check out the pics. Hasta Viernes
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

This past weekend I went to
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Sunday, May 07, 2006

Not too much has been going on here, just taking it easy like I always do. We went to a futbol (soccer) match between Valencia and a team from Madrid. It was pretty cool but the fans were not as crazy as I thought they would be. It was the last match at home for the season and since we had not been to one, we decided that going to it was a must. The stadium was pretty big but it definitiely doesn't have anything on Neyland Stadium. This was pretty much the only pic I got before my batteries in my camera died. ADIOS
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Saturday, March 18, 2006

We went to a Corrida de Toros (bullfight) yesterday and it was probably one of the most incredible things I have seen since coming here. It is definitely one of the best ways to experience the Spanish culture. There were three matadors and they each got to kill two bulls. The second matador could not kill his first bull and the Spaniards got mad and the third matador got taken out by his first bull (which I have on video) but he was fine and finished the fight. It was a crazy 2 1/2 hours. -I have the pics on webshots-
Sunday, March 12, 2006

I just got in from a parade for Las Fallas and a midnight Mascletà. A Mascletà is a fireworks show that is held from March 1st through March 19th everyday at 14:00 and are known for their loudness rather than display. The one I went to didn't start until about 12:45 am and I really liked it since it was the first one i've seen and it was at night (early morning). I'm pretty sure I will finally make it to the Mascletà during the day and I will definitely see the rest of the night Mascletàs. Buenas Noches
Sunday, March 05, 2006

This was our first weekend taking a road trip. Our destination was the cities of
Thursday, March 02, 2006

Yesterday was the one month mark for my Spanish journey. I finally went to the gym to shoot around since I now have my student card for UPV (la Universidad Politecnica de Valencia). After shooting for awhile I decided to watch some of the Spaniards playing. The only comment that I have to make is that soccer is the national sport in
Monday, February 20, 2006

Yesterday we took a 45 min train ride to a town called Xativa. The town was cool and and had a really nice cathedral. We went into the cathedral and I made sure to tell everybody to cut their flashes off on their cameras but after a couple bad shots I changed settings on my camera and forgot to cut off the flash. I felt pretty bad having my flash go off during their service after I had reminded everybody else to cut thiers off. The castle, dating back to the 10th century, was amazing and provided us with plenty of photo opportunties. We stayed there for a couple hours before trekking back down the hill/mountain to the city. This was by far the best 7 Euro (5.70 for train, 1.20 for castle) I have spent since I have been here. I only put a couple pics on but hit up webshots for all 45 of my Xativa pics.
Saturday, February 18, 2006

Today was a bittersweet day. Bitter becuase David left us because it was time for him to return to France. David was really cool and by far spoke the most spanish out of everybody in the flat. I guess it is time for all of us to step up our game when it comes to spanish since he is gone. David will be back next month for Las Fallas and may be coming to Tech in the fall. The sweet of the bittersweet is that I moved into his room. It fel so good to finally unpack my suitcases and set my room up, which is like none other. As you can see, I have cork-board walls, a nasty brownish-gray carpet, a ceiling made of disco ball material and a lovely floral comforter. All I have to say is that this room is very unique! In the pic above are all of us from the flat. From left to right: Sam, me, Travis, Vincent, Ward and David.
Monday, February 13, 2006

Yesterday was a pretty good day (minus running out of food and everything being closed for the weekend). I watched a good basketball game on tv, then we actually went and played a couple games, and finally watched another game on tv. David, Sam, Ward, and me (Team Jaime- named after our landlord) went down to the outdoor courts to play. We played an interesting bunch of guys. They had this huge guy, probably around 6'7'', who was wearing a Jordan jersey that would probably be too small for me to wear. They had another guy playing in his church clothes, including the shoes, and another guy that seemed quite normal. The guy I guarded had on a LA Lakers Shaq jersey but the name on the back was Culpepper??? It was crazy. We won the first game and after a pityful effort lost the second game. They walked every time they got the ball but we never called it and I definitely had more blocks than the 6'7'' guy. The goals here are lower than in the States. We all were hanging on the rim before we actually played but nobody capitalized on chances to throw one down during the games. Ward and I got asked to play on an intramural team, so now we have a game on wednesday and something else to do. Adios
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

After 19 hours of traveling by plane, train, and taxi (the most dangerous) I finally made it to my final destination: Valencia, Spain. It has been several days and I am kind of getting used to the sleeping and eating schedule here. In our apartment there are 2 guys from France (David and Vincent), 1 from Australia (Sam), and 3 Americans (Travis, Ward, Me). Conversations in our apartment consists of french, spanish, english, broken english, broken spanish, spanglish, and the crazy words Sam uses. It's pretty crazy but it's fun and I can only see it getting better as time goes on.