Las Fallas ended early monday morning following the crema (burning) of the main falla. The whole Fallas experience was insane. The only thing that I can compare it to would be what I imagine a warzone being like. The whole week all we heard was contniuous firecrackers/fireworks 24/7. And these were in no way small firecrackers. They were definitely extremely loud and occasionally would shake our apartment. People in the States would be amazed to see kids in strollers rolling down the street throwing firecrackers while their parents push them. This is definitley a city full of pyros. March 1st through the 19th there was a huge fireworks show (mainly just loud firecrackers) everyday in the city along with about 5 big ones at night. The last couple of days all neighborhoods seem to have their own mascleta that would be almost as big as the main one in the city. There were plenty of tourist here and the city was packed no matter where you went. On the other hand, Fallas took a 180 degree turn after the crema when a riot started 10 feet away from where we were standing and talking with some people we just met. Some people were acting wild and jumping into a garage door and the police came and one of our flatmates friends who was visiting was pushed into the the group by one of them and was arrested by the police along with only 2 of the maybe 6 or 7 that caused the scene. This is probably the best example of being at the wrong place at the wrong time that I know of. He has spent the past 2 nights in jail and they won't let him go. They are holding him for resisting arrest which is the complete opposite of what happened and he is finally in court right now. FREE BETS!!!
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