Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Saturday, March 18, 2006

We went to a Corrida de Toros (bullfight) yesterday and it was probably one of the most incredible things I have seen since coming here. It is definitely one of the best ways to experience the Spanish culture. There were three matadors and they each got to kill two bulls. The second matador could not kill his first bull and the Spaniards got mad and the third matador got taken out by his first bull (which I have on video) but he was fine and finished the fight. It was a crazy 2 1/2 hours. -I have the pics on webshots-
Sunday, March 12, 2006

I just got in from a parade for Las Fallas and a midnight Mascletà. A Mascletà is a fireworks show that is held from March 1st through March 19th everyday at 14:00 and are known for their loudness rather than display. The one I went to didn't start until about 12:45 am and I really liked it since it was the first one i've seen and it was at night (early morning). I'm pretty sure I will finally make it to the Mascletà during the day and I will definitely see the rest of the night Mascletàs. Buenas Noches
Sunday, March 05, 2006

This was our first weekend taking a road trip. Our destination was the cities of
Thursday, March 02, 2006

Yesterday was the one month mark for my Spanish journey. I finally went to the gym to shoot around since I now have my student card for UPV (la Universidad Politecnica de Valencia). After shooting for awhile I decided to watch some of the Spaniards playing. The only comment that I have to make is that soccer is the national sport in